3、香港理工大学大设备科研基金,The Split Hopkinson Bar,2017.01-2017.12,核心成员,结题;
1.Tao Zhou, Jianbo Zhu, Heping Xie. Mechanical and volumetric fracturing behaviour of three-dimensional printing rock-like samples under dynamic loading,Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-020-02084-5 (SCI,中科院2区, IF=4.1)
2.Hua Li, Tao Zhou, Jianhui Deng, Jianhua Yin, Jianbo Zhu. An excess stress model for capturing rate-dependent compressive behavior of rock joint and its validation and applications, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 128:104267,DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104267 (SCI,中科院1区, Top期刊, IF=3.78)
3.Heping Xie, Jianbo Zhu, Tao Zhou, Kai Zhang, Changtai Zhou. Conceptualization and preliminary study of engineering disturbed rock dynamics, Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2020, 6:34, DOI: 10.1007/s40948-020-00157-x (SCI)
4.Heping Xie, Cunbao Li, Tao Zhou, Jialiang Chen, Jiaxi Liao, Juchang Ma, Bixiong Li. Conceptualization and evaluation of the exploration and utilization of low/medium-temperature geothermal energy: a case study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2020, 6(1):18, DOI: 10.1007/s40948-019-00140-1 (SCI)
5.Tao Zhou, Jianbo Zhu, Yang Ju, Heping Xie. Volumetric fracturing behavior of 3D printed artificial rocks containing single and double 3D internal flaws under static uniaxial compression. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 205:190-204, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.11.030 (SCI,中科院2区, IF=3.78)
6.Diyuan Li, Zhenyu Han, Xiaoliang Sun, Tao Zhou, Xibing Li. Dynamic mechanical properties and fracturing behavior of marble specimens containing single and double flaws in SHPB tests. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(6): 1623-1643, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-018-1652-5 (SCI,中科院2区, IF=4.1)
7.Tao Zhou, Songling Dong, Gaofeng Zhao, Ru Zhang, Shiyong Wu, Jianbo Zhu. An experimental study of fatigue behavior of granite under low-cycle repetitive compressive impacts. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(10): 3157-3166, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-018-1515-0 (SCI,中科院2区, IF=4.1)
8.Tao Zhou, Jianbo Zhu. Identification of a suitable 3D printing material for mimicking brittle and hard rocks and its brittleness enhancements. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(3): 765-777, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-017-1335-7 (SCI,中科院2区, IF=4.1)
9.Jianbo Zhu, Tao Zhou, Zhiyi Liao, Liang Sun, Xibing Li, Rong Chen. Replication of internal defects and investigation of mechanical and fracture behaviour of rock using 3D printing and 3D numerical methods in combination with X-ray computerized tomography. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences, 2018, 106:198-212, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2018.04.022 (SCI,中科院1区, Top期刊, IF=3.78)
10.Xibing Li, Tao Zhou, Diyuan Li. Dynamic strength and fracturing behavior of single-flawed prismatic marble specimens under impact loading with a split-hopkinson pressure bar. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017, 50(1): 29-44, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016-1093-y (SCI,中科院2区, IF=4.1)
11.Tao Zhou, Jianbo Zhu. An experimental investigation of tensile fracturing behavior of natural and artificial rocks in static and dynamic brazilian disc tests. Procedia engineering, 2017, 191: 992-998, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.05.271 (EI)
12.Xibing Li, Tao Zhou, Diyuan Li, Zewei Wang. Experimental and numerical investigations on feasibility and validity of prismatic rock specimen in SHPB. Shock and Vibration, 2016, (2):1-13, DOI: 10.1155/2016/7198980 (SCI,中科院4区, IF=1.628)
13.Xibing Li, Shiming Wang, Lei Weng, Linqi Huang, Tao Zhou, Jian Zhou. Damage constitutive model of different age concretes under impact load. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(2): 693-700, DOI: 10.1007/s11771-015-2572-0 (SCI,中科院3区, IF=0.973)
14.李夕兵,王世鸣,周韬,黄麟淇, &周健. (2015).不同冲击条件下早龄期混凝土的力学特性.中国有色金属学报, 25(6), 1672-1677. (EI)
15.李地元,成腾蛟,周韬, &李夕兵. (2015).冲击载荷作用下含孔洞大理岩动态力学破坏特性试验研究.岩石力学与工程学报, 34(2), 249-260. (EI)
1.中低温地热ORC磁悬浮复合梯级发电系统,ZL 201920813626.2;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、廖家禧、李存宝.
2.中低温地热梯级利用ORC磁悬浮发电系统,ZL 201920813658.2;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、廖家禧、李存宝.
3.中低温地热工质梯级利用ORC磁悬浮发电系统,ZL 201920813650.6;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、阮禾、李存宝.
4.中低温地热余压梯级利用ORC磁悬浮发电系统,ZL 201920813650.6;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、廖家禧、李存宝.
5.一种地热发电试验系统,ZL 201920807564.4;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、阮禾、马骏鹏.
6.一种模拟地热发电装置测试的电力自循环系统,ZL 201920807376.1;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、阮禾、廖家禧.
7.一种模拟地热发电的高温和低温热水自循环系统,ZL 201920807378.0;发明人:谢和平、马举昌、周韬、廖家禧、马骏鹏.
8.一种用于测试完整试样和结构面动态剪切强度的方法,ZL 201710850983.1;发明人:朱建波、周韬.
9.拉伸裂纹扩展速度的测量装置及测量方法,ZL 201410038632.7;发明人:李地元、成腾蛟、周韬、李夕兵.
10.一种渐深式孔底补偿螺旋形强力掏槽方法,ZL 201310428431.3;发明人:李夕兵、陶明、周韬、尹土兵、李地元.
11.无盘区中深孔留矿分层控顶嗣后充填采矿法,ZL 201210157329.X;发明人: 修国林、李夕兵、杨竹周、赵国彦、李威、王善飞、周韬、彭康、刘志祥、王剑波、何顺斌、杜飞.
3.第九届亚洲岩石动力学大会最佳论文奖,Tao Zhou, Jianbo Zhu. Experimental study of propagation of 3d flaws under static and dynamic loading conditions with the application of 3D printing, 9thAsian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Ballroom Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort, Indonesia, 2016
4.第二届国际岩石动力学大会最佳论文奖,Tao Zhou, Jianbo Zhu. Application of 3D printing and micro-CT scan to rock dynamics, Second International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-2), Suzhou, China, 2016
1、 国际学术期刊邀请审稿人:《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《Natural Resources Research》、《Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities(ASCE)》