1986.09—1990.04中国科学院地质研究所 构造地质学专业 理学博士学位
1983.09—1986.07中国科学院地质研究所 构造地质学专业 理学硕士学位
1978.09—1982.07成都地质学院 放射性地球物理勘探专业 工学学士学位
2018.09—至今 深圳大学土木与交通工程学院,教授
2018.02—至今 西安交通大学,特聘教授、讲座教授
1992.10—2018.08 University of Michigan,Postdoc Research Fellow, Assistant Research Scientist, Associate Research Scientist, Adjunct Research Scientist
1.J Zhang,S Huang*,Y Zuo,Y Zhou,Z Liu,W Duan,X Wei. 2020. Terrestrial heat flow in the Baiyinchagan Sag,Erlian Basin,northern China. Geothermics 86(7): 101799.
3.W Duan,S Huang*,C Nie. Entrance Pupil Irradiance Estimating Model for a Moon-Based Earth Radiation Observatory Instrument. Remote Sensing. 11 (5),583,DOI:10.3390/rs11050583
4.柯婷婷,黄少鹏*,许威,张炯,余如洋. 2019.关中盆地沣西地热对井采灌开发模式的数值模拟[J].第四纪研究. 39(5):1252-1263.
6.Wei Xu,Shaopeng Huang*,Jiong Zhang,Ruyang Yu,Yinhui Zuo,Yongshui Zhou,Junhe Chang. Present-day geothermal regime of the Uliastai Depression,Erlian Basin,North China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation,2019,37(2): 770-786.
7.Zhi Liu,Shaopeng Huang*,Zhangdong Jin,2018. A last deglacial climate dataset comprising ice core data,marine data,and stalagmite data,Data in Brief. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.008. 21: 1764-1770.
8.Duan,Wentao; Huang,Shaopeng*; Nie,Chenwei,2018. Conceptual design of a Moon-based Earth radiation observatory. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 39(18): 5834-5849.
9.Zhi Liu,Shaopeng Huang*,Zhangdong Jin. Breakpoint lead-lag analysis of the last deglacial climate change and atomaspheric CO2 concentration on global and hemispheric scales. Quaternary International,2018,490: 50-59. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.05.021.
10.Zhi Liu,Xiuming Liu,Shaopeng Huang*. Cyclostratigraphic analysis of magnetic records for orbital chronology of the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation in Linze,northwestern China. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology. 2017,481: 44-56.
11.段文涛,黄少鹏*,唐晓音,张炯.利用ANSYS WORKBENCH模拟火山岩浆活动热扩散过程[J].岩石学报,2017,33(01):267-278.
12.张炯,黄少鹏*,傅饶,唐晓音.大地电磁测深在火山区地热研究中的应用[J].岩石学报. 2017,33(01):279-290.
19.Cui Pan,Haibo Wang,Shaopeng Huang*,Haihua Zhang. The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Aftermath: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Footprint of Housing Reconstruction[M]// Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht,2014,pp.435-450.
20.Fen Peng,YongzhuXiong,Yuxiang Cheng,Qicheng Fan,Shaopeng Huang. 2013. Towards Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Geothermal,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 610-613: pp 3628-3631.
21.Huang S. Geothermal energy in China[J]. Nature Climate Change,2012,2(8):557-560.
22.黄少鹏,H.N.Pollack,沈伯瑜,王学智. 500年温度变化的地温记录.《地球物理探测技术进展》,地质出版社,2012,pp. 106-111.
25.黄少鹏*,安芷生.长期地温监测在地球科学研究中的重要意义.地球环境学报,2010,1(1): 1-7.
26.李祥余,黄少鹏,叶红,熊永柱,陈峰,汪凯,潘玲阳.厦门站气温非均一性订正及其变化特征对比分析.地理科学,2010,(5): 796-801.
27.H. Ye,K. Wang,S. Huang,F. Chen,Y. Xiong,X. Zhao. Urbanisation effects on summer habitat comfort: a case study of three coastal cities in southeast China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,2010,17: 317-323.
28.Changlin Zhan,Junji Cao,Yongming Han,Shaopeng Huang,Xiaming Tu,Ping Wang,Zhisheng An,2012. Spatial distributions and sequestrations of organic carbon and black carbon in soils fromthe Chinese loess plateau,Sci Total Environ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016 /j.scitotenv.2012.10.113
29.Shaopeng Huang and Jiaqi Liu,2010,Geothermal energy stuck between a rock and a hot place. Nature,463,293,doi:10.1038/463293d.
30.Huang S,Taniguchi M,Yamano M,C.-H. Wang,2009. Detecting Urbanization Effects on Surface and Subsurface Thermal Environment – A Case Study of Osaka. Science of the Total Environment,10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.1004.1019,407: 3142-3152.
31.Li,X.Y.,He Q.,Huang,S.P.,et al.,2009. Characteristics of Meteorological Elements in the Surface Layer before and after a Severe Sandstorm in the Taklimakan Desert Hinterland,Southern Xinjiang,China. Plateau Meteorology,28(3): 652-662.
32.Huang,S. P.,H. N. Pollack,and P.-Y. Shen,2008. A late Quaternary climate reconstruction based on borehole heat flux data,borehole temperature data,and the instrumental record,Geophysical Research Letters,35,L13703,doi:10.1029/2008GL034187.
33.He,L.,Hu,S.,Huang,S.,Yang,W.,Wang,J.,Yuan,Y. and Yang,S. 2008. Heat Flow Study at the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Site: Borehole Temperature,Thermal Conductivity,and Radiogenic Heat Production,Journal of Geophysical Research,doi:10.1029/2007JB004958.
34.Huang,S.,2008. Surface Temperatures at the Nearside of the Moon as a Record of the Radiation Budget of Earth's Climate System,Advances in Space Research,doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.04.093. 41: 1853-1860.
35.Huang,S.,2006. Land warming as part of global warming. EOS,Transactions of the American Geophysical Union,87 (44),Pages 477,780.
36.Pollack,H.N.,Huang,S.,Smerdon,J.E.,2006. Five centuries of climate change in Australia: The view from underground. Journal of Quaternary Science,21 (7): 701-706.
37.Huang,S.,2006. Consolidating high and low resolution information from different sources into a Northern Hemisphere climate reconstruction. PAGES Newsletters,14(2): 22-24.
38.Huang,S.,2006. 1851 - 2004 Annual Heat Budget of the Continental Landmasses,Geophysical Research Letters,33,L04707,doi:10.1029/2005GL025300.
39.Huang,S.,2004. Merging Information from Different Resources for New Insights into Climate Change in the Past and Future. Geophys. Res,Lett. 31,L13205,doi:10.1029/2004GL019781.
40.Huang,S.,2004.Integrated Northern Hemisphere Surface Temperature Reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-063. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program,Boulder CO USA.http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/pubs/huang2004/huang2004.html
41.Pollack,H.N.,Demezhko,D.Yu.,Duchkov,A.D.,Golovanova,I.V.,Huang,S.,Shchapov,V.A.,and Smerdon,J.E.,2003. Surface temperature trends in Russia over the past five centuries reconstructed from borehole temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108 (B4): art. no. 2180.
42.Beltrami,H.,Smerdon,J.E.,Pollack,H.N.,and Huang,S.,2002. Continental heat gain in the global climate system,Geophys. Res. Lett,29,NO. 8,10.1029/2001GL014310.
43.Pollack,H. N. and Huang,S.,2001. Ground Temperature,in Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change,v.1,M. McCracken,J. S. Perry,eds.,John Wiley & Sons,pp.422-426.
44.Huang,S.,Pollack,H. N.,and Shen,P.Y.,2000. Temperature trends over the past five centuries reconstructed from borehole temperatures. Nature,403: 756-758.
45.Pollack,H.N. and Huang,S.,2000. Climate reconstruction from subsurface temperatures,Ann. Rev. Earth Planetary Sci.,28: 339-365.
46.Huang,S.,Pollack,H. N.,and Shen,P.Y.,1999. Global database of borehole temperatures and climate reconstructions. PAGES Newsletters,7(2): 18-19.
47.Huang,S. and Pollack,H.N.,1998. Global borehole temperature database for climate reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #1998-044. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program,Boulder CO,USA.
48.Pollack,H.N.,Huang,S.,and Shen,P.Y.,1998. Climate change record in subsurface temperatures: A global perspective. Science,282: 279-281.
49.Huang Shaopeng,1998,Aggregate global scale analysis of relationship between heat flow and heat production. ActaGeophysicaSinica,41 (Supplement): 83-94.
50.Pollack,H.N. and Huang,S.,1998. Underground temperatures reveal changing climate. Geotimes,43: 16-19.
51.Huang,S.,Pollack,H. N.,and Shen,P.Y.,1997. Late Quaternary temperature change seen in world-wide continental heat flow measurements. Geophys. Res. Lett.,24: 1947-1950.
52.Huang,S.,Shen,P. Y. Pollack,H.N.,1996,Deriving century-long trends of surface temperature change from borehole temperatures,Geophysical Research Letters,23: 257-260.
53.Shen,P.Y.,Pollack,H.N.,Huang,S.,1996,Inference of ground surface temperature history from borehole temperature data: A comparison of two inverse methods. Global and Planetary Change,14: 49-57.
54.Pollack,H.N.,Shen,P.Y.,Huang,S.,1996,Inference of ground surface temperature history from subsurface temperature data: Interpreting ensembles of borehole logs. Pure and Applied Geophysics,147: 537-550.
55.Huang Shaopeng,Wang Jiyang,and Chen Moxiang,1996. Temperature at the Moho. In Yuan Xuecheng (Chief Compiler),Atlas of Geophysics in China (Publication No.201 of the International Lithosphere Program),Geological Publishing House,Beijing,pp. 105-107.
56.Huang Shaopeng,Wang Jiyang,and Chen Moxiang,1996. Thickness of the Thermo-Lithosphere. In Yuan Xuecheng (Chief Compiler),Atlas of Geophysics in China (Publication No.201 of the International Lithosphere Program),Geological Publishing House,Beijing,pp. 109-111.
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74.Shen,P.Y.,Pollack,H.N.,Huang,S. and Wang,K.,1995. Effects of subsurface heterogeneity on the inference of climate change from borehole temperature data: model studies and field examples from Canada. J. Geophys. Res.,100,6383-6396
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76.Huang,S.,Pollack,H.N.,Shen,P. Y. and Wang,J.-Y.,1995. Reading paleoclimate from borehole temperature profiles: Principles and examples from North America and Southwest China. Quaternary Sciences,No. 3,213-222 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
77.Wang Jiyang and Huang Shaopeng,1995. Heat flow pattern and its implications for tectonics in the continental area of China. In M.L. Gupta and M. Yamano (eds.),Terrestrial Heat Flow and Geothermal Energy in Asia. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi,pp.83-94.
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79.Huang Shaopeng,1993,Variations of heat flow and crustal thickness in the continental area of China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,Vol.35,393-403.
80.Shaopeng Huang and Jiyang Wang,1992,Heat flow distribution and thermal structure of the continental area of China. In Wang Shijing (ed.),Advances in Geosciences (2),China Ocean Press,Beijing,361-372.
81.Shaopeng Huang and Jiyang Wang,1992,Variations of heat flow and Pn-velocity in the continental area of China. Acta Seismologica Sinica,Vol.5,No.4,729-738.
82.Huang Shaopeng and Wang Jiyang,1991,Several heat flow values from deep drill holes in the Northwest Depression of the Sichuan Basin,SW China. Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol.36,No.1,47-51.
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86.Wang Jiyang and Huang Shaopeng,1990,The thickness of the lithosphere in the PanxiPaleorift Zone,Southwestern China. In V.Cermak and L,Rybach (eds.),Terrestrial Heat Flow And The Lithosphere Structure,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,pp. 308-316.
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紧抓粤港澳大湾区打造具有全球影响力的国际科技创新中心的历史性机遇,黄少鹏教授入职深圳大学后的研究兴趣主要集中在地热资源勘探开发和月基地球气候变化观测两个方向。一方面正筹备在粤港澳大湾区选址打造地热资源综合开发利用示范工程;另一方面负责深圳大学月基探测研究院前期筹备工作。 诚向国内外招聘科研骨干。
1)地热资源方向。专业背景要求: 地热学、构造地质学、水文地质学、地球物理学,新生代火山学。现有知识储备无需面面俱到,但需要具备根据工作需要能够快速学习补充知识、掌握新的研究手段的科研素质。具有粤港澳大湾区地热地质工作经验者优先。研究员或副研究员1-2名、博士后2-3名。